Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Working is business

Business is about trade, supply, market, selling and buying and much more.

when i ones attend one the economy class the lecturer been tough about exchange, he said when we are in the exchange activity everyday, all of us and asked the class is it true? we don't know and then he said yes its true. when we going to buy things we are actually exchange money with goods and same goes to the businessman. and also said even when we are working we are actually exchange the money with time. and without doing anything, we need to let the exchange process happen in our body which is the exchange of the oxygen with carbon dioxide. i felt like we really go that far for only the exchange subject only.

anyway, what am i have here is, business. we are all doing business everyday, by the statement made by the lecturer, yes, indeed, when we are working we exchange the money that been paid to us with our time spending everyday doing the job given. during that time the company that we work for, own us about 8 - 9 hours a day. that is the business by contract. we sell our time to them.

the idea is when we selling our time to this particular company, is it that time has it own quality or its just like any other time given by everyone else. that makes the different between quality products or services and not. we need to think like a businessman even we are workers. only with that kind of mentality we can gain value of ourselves and what we can offer to the employers.

we must take ourselves as a contributors, in developing companies business we must deliver a great service. when this we do continuously, at the end we actually transformed ourselves to become an asset. when this happen, we bring up the level of the value in terms of skills, professionalism and ability in doing our job.

we then, became as a great businessman. and upon of it we actually developed or own reputation, and ones we really get into that level, we no more need to looking up for opportunity, but it's coming to us. successful businessman or employees is actually depend on the same principal, determination, persistent and consistent.

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