Thursday, May 28, 2009

being young

We always here that while we still young that we need to fill that moment with life that full of joyful, enjoy the moment as much as we can. and im sure everybody knows how it was when we were young. anyway, i also fill up my life with fun and friends as much as i can while i was young. but, syukur, happened to through the young hood without trapped in misery and regrets.

i would like to say at this moment, at the beginning age of 30, married with two children, i actually strat to feel that being young as teenagers was not actually this happy. i admit it was full of joy and fun, but the true happines is started at now. beginning to be a man, with family to lead and feed. i mean, sometimes we can hear people's around mumbling about getting more rensponsible, need to do this and that and feel like going back when we were "young". telling story about life as teenagers. i mean, yes sometimes it's very interesting to talking about it, but i really get bored with certain of us that never overcome their lifes that we need to admit, getting old and time goes by.

as for me, i have various wonderfull moment where i was young, but to be true on life, i feel the most meaningfull moment and the most happy day in my life is now, being around, anywhere, doing anything in any circumstances with all my family here with me, always, everytime. i almost forgot what is the happiness when i was a teenager. i feel very happy and joy now, everyday with wake up and listen, looking at my wife and children. for me now what im having is a true life.

one thing i wolud like to say to the youngters out there, being young what is the most imprtant for you all doing is learn and learn. not juts attend scholl and college, but learn each time for every single moment in your moment as a teen. believe me on this, then the outcome, you will feel very proud of yourself when you start to enter the adults world, while watching others still looking for the identity and crawling hard to live their teen's world and make them look stupid and childish. they have so much joy when they were young until they dont want to live the world, world that full of fakes.

at the end we lost because we the only, knows nothing about winning.